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30-minute Strength Circuit

Updated: May 16, 2020

What better way to spend the weekend than with a new workout? This is a 30-minute full-body strength workout with emphasis on the hamstrings, back, and core. I've added videos below to demonstrate correct form and exercise order. Complete the designated rounds for each circuit before moving on. You can perform this workout with a single dumbbell, kettle-bell, full water jug, or whatever you have handy around the house. Body-weight only is always an option for you. Your goal is to make every round count and focus on form versus speed. Now let's do this!

Warm-up: Perform one round of 30 seconds per exercise.

- Inchworm

- Runners lunge with twist

- Walking downward facing dog

- Stationary side to side lunge

- Bent over T-spine rotation

Circuit 1: Perform three rounds of 40 seconds per exercise with 20 seconds rest between moves.

a) Bear crawl forward and backward

b) Cross mountain climber

c) Glute bridge with lat pullover

Circuit 2: Perform three rounds of 40 seconds per exercise with 20 seconds rest between moves.

a) Stagger stance upright row

b) Lateral lunge

c) Wide-stance bent-over deadlift

Circuit 3: Perform three rounds of 40 seconds per exercise with 20 seconds rest between moves.

a) Split stance chop

b) Unilateral bent over row

Circuit 4: Perform three rounds with 20 seconds per exercise and 10 seconds of rest between moves.

a) Hollow hold

b) Bicycle crunches

c) High plank to side plank

d) Bear crawl knee taps


The thoughts and information set forth on this website are not intended to provide medical advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or ailment. The material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should never be used in lieu of formal medical diagnoses or treatment with a qualified physician. All individuals should undertake a complete physical before commencing any diet, exercise or health program.

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