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Stay Active on a Tight Schedule

Updated: May 16, 2020

Between work, school, and social events, it can be challenging to find time for yourself. Exercise and proper nutrition are often the first items to come off the to-do list, but these are the habits that make you feel good! They shouldn't be sacrificed even with a busy schedule. As someone who has worked full-time while being a full-time student, I understand how challenging this can be. Here are a few tips that help me stay on track even when life get's crazy!

Plan Ahead

Schedule your workouts at the beginning of the week. This avoids the “I don’t have time to workout” excuse. Write it down! Putting it on your calendar or in your phone increases the chance that you'll do it. Think of it as an appointment that you can't miss.

Meal Prep

For those on a time crunch, meal prep can seem like it takes too much time, but it's the opposite. Meal prep save you time during the week when you are home barely long enough to make yourself food. I spend 1 hour on Sundays prepping my weekly lunches and dinners. Choose delicious recipes where you can mix and match ingredients to make it budget friendly.

Find an Accountability Buddy

Tell someone what your plan and goals are. Not only can they keep you accountable, but they can help motivate you when you need it most. Sometimes we need a pick-me-up on those especially hard days.

Workout with a Friend

Exercising with a friend helps you both stay on track with your goals. It's also a lot more enjoyable to push through it together, cheering each other on along the way.

Reward Yourself

Be proud of your progress and making the effort to live a healthy lifestyle. You work hard and deserve to treat yourself. My favorite reward for a successful week is sushi. Think of something that you will look forward to, set a goal, conquer it, and then treat yourself!


The thoughts and information set forth on this website are not intended to provide medical advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or ailment. The material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should never be used in lieu of formal medical diagnoses or treatment with a qualified physician. All individuals should undertake a complete physical before commencing any diet, exercise or health program.

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