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On-the-Go Breakfast Favorites

I'm one of those people who just can't skip breakfast. Even if I have a crazy schedule, which is almost everyday, I whip something up the night before for an easy meal. Here are 3 of my go-to breakfasts for busy mornings!

1. Mexican Breakfast Casserole

I've recently discovered breakfast casseroles and man am I in love. Throw whatever sounds good into a baking dish, whisk eggs with milk and spices, pour over the other ingredients, bake, and done! This recipe has a Mexican twist and is so delicious. I make it the night before and reheat in the microwave. It makes 6 servings, so it lasts us 3 days.

2. Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

Another easy, healthy breakfast is this blueberry baked oatmeal. I buy frozen blueberries because they are easy to keep on hand and often taste better than the one in the produce section. The recipe calls for walnuts, but I prefer pecans for a more nutty flavor. Pop it into the oven on a Sunday and have breakfast ready for the next day. This says it makes 6 servings, but it lasts 8 for us.

3. Five Minute Breakfast Burrito

Why have I only now thought of making freezer breakfast burritos?! This recipe involves barely any preparation, you don't even have to chop anything. It is one serving, so I multiply it by however many burritos I want to make. The key to making these freezer ready is allowing the eggs to cool completely before assembly. Otherwise, you'll end up with a soggy tortilla. Also, add the other ingredients first since it creates a barrier between the tortilla and the moist eggs. Wrap each burrito with tin foil and allow to freeze in a single layer. They can be stacked once frozen.


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