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Move to What Motivates You

We often fall into a cycle of what we "should" be doing to get our daily exercise in; it can often be repetitive and demotivating. Whether it be running or weight-lifting, I personally get really bored having the same workout schedule. I find mixing things up keeps me excited and looking forward to my workouts. Why place ourselves into a box when there are so many avenues to fitness? This past year I've shifted my mindset from what I "should" do to what I "want" to do.

I honestly can't predict what my body will want on a given day. I start by planning out which days I want to workout and play it by ear about what form of exercise I'm going to do. Lately, I've been loving bike riding. I haven't been a "biker" since I was a younger and it was my only option for transportation. I was brought back to that child-like freeing feeling when I went to Wyoming in July to hike in Grand Teton National Park. Our friend had bikes for us to use and we took advantage of every chance we had to bike next to those breathtaking mountains. Since coming back I've added biking to my regular workout rotation. It's a great cardio alternative that gives my knees a break from running.

Another option I've been really enjoying this summer is rollerblading. Yes, rollerblading. I bought my first pair since elementary school when the gyms closed during quarantine and hit the pavement. The next day I was so SORE. I could not believe how many muscles I worked doing it. I highly recommend getting a pair. It is such a fun and effective cardio workout.

My point to all this is: Why force yourself through a workout you don't enjoy? If you don't like biking, don't bike. If you don't like running, don't run. You might feel differently everyday and that's okay. Find what motivates you to tie up those laces and make yourself feel good.

Here's a list of workouts you can do to spice up your routine:

- Biking

- Rollerblading

- Swimming

- Resistance training

- Sprint intervals

- Rock climbing

- Yoga

- Distance running

- Hiking

- High intensity interval training (HIIT)

- Dancing


The thoughts and information set forth on this website are not intended to provide medical advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or ailment. The material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should never be used in lieu of formal medical diagnoses or treatment with a qualified physician. All individuals should undertake a complete physical before commencing any diet, exercise or health program.

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