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Holiday Strength Circuit

The end of 2020 is in sight! It has been a hard year and you deserve a free workout. Here's a spicy full-body strength routine you can do at home. Blast some holiday tunes, grab your weights, and be proud of yourself for getting through one heck of a year.

Estimated duration: 30 minutes

Don't forget to warm-up for a minimum of 5-minutes first!

Circuit 1: Perform 3 rounds.

1) Wall sit with alternating bicep curls - 24 alternating curls while holding wall sit

2) Push up - 12 reps

3) Mountain climbers - 24 reps

4) Reverse lunge knee drive* - 12 reps per side

*Begin by stepping back into a reverse lunge with your right leg. As you step back, drive your right arm forward to maintain balance. Next, drive your right knee up towards your chest as you return to standing position, balancing on the left leg. Continue for 12 reps and then switch side.

Circuit 2: Perform 3 rounds.

1) Squat with shoulder press* - 12 reps

*Begin by standing tall with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, holding weights in both hands at shoulder height. Keep your core engaged as you lower down into a squat. Stand up from squat and perform shoulder press. Repeat.

2) Dumbbell punches* - 24 reps alternating

*Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bend, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bring arms up, so that hands are at face level with palms facing each other. Focus on keeping your core engaged the entire time. Push right arm out in punching motion, rotating hand to palm to face the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat on other side, alternating until 24 repetitions.

3) Side lunge - 12 reps per side

4) Reverse fly - 12 reps

Stay safe and have a happy holidays!


The thoughts and information set forth on this website are not intended to provide medical advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or ailment. The material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should never be used in lieu of formal medical diagnoses or treatment with a qualified physician. All individuals should undertake a complete physical before commencing any diet, exercise or health program.

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