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Anywhere Body-weight Workout

Updated: May 16, 2020

You don't always need a gym or equipment to get a solid workout. You can do body-weight workouts anywhere, anytime and reap the benefits of increased flexibility, better balance, and toned muscles. It's also cost effective - all you need is your body and your dedication to move.

With most people staying at home during quarantine it is incredibly important to keep your body active. Our bodies weren't designed to sit still all day. Try out the following body-weight workout in your house or backyard to breathe in that fresh air. For the workout video, check out the HealthyHustle Youtube Channel.

Warm-up: Perform 30 sec of each. - jumping jacks - high knees - butt kicks - squats - forward lunge with twist toward front leg - inchworm

Workout: Perform 3-4 rounds of 12-15 reps per exercise. - overhead squat - pop squat - push up - cross mountain climber (30 reps alternating) - side lunge - single leg reaches - side plank reaches - dolphin plank

Don’t forget to stretch!


The thoughts and information set forth on this website are not intended to provide medical advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or ailment. The material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should never be used in lieu of formal medical diagnoses or treatment with a qualified physician. All individuals should undertake a complete physical before commencing any diet, exercise or health program.

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